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How Much Does Shipping Cost?

Standard shipping is free in Canada.

When Will I Receive My Shipment?

Estimated shipping time is 2–3 business days for orders placed within Canada.

What If My Package Is Damaged Or Missing?

Contact our Customer Care team by email hello@nunmn.com.

Can I Track My Order?

Yes, we’ll email you the tracking details once your order has shipped.

Which Forms Of Payment Do You Accept?

We accept VISA, AMEX, Mastercard, Discover, ApplePay, and PayPal.

What’s Your Return Policy?

Please note, refunds will only be issued for returns within 30 days from the date of purchase, that retain their original factory seal, and remain in factory-quality condition. We can not issue refunds for partially used product or product that appears to be handled, opened, or tampered with.

To begin your return, please mail your factory-sealed bottles back to our designated locations.  Please contact us at hello@nunmn.com


What Is NUNMN?

One capsule of NMN contains 300 or 500 mg of NMN, a form of vitamin B3. Our inactive ingredients are microcrystalline cellulose and hypromellose. Microcrystalline cellulose is a plant-derived fiber and hypromellose is a common ingredient used to make vegetarian capsules. NMN is formulated without nuts or gluten. It contains no animal by-products, and no artificial colours or flavours.

What’s The Recommended Serving Size?

While one capsule of NMN is our recommended serving size, it has been confirmed to effectively increase NAD at serving sizes up to 900mg per day.  NMN is recommended to be taken at the same time every day. You can take it once daily in the morning or at night, with or without food.

Are There Any Dietary Restrictions?

NUNMN is formulated without nuts or gluten. It contains no animal by-products, and no artificial colours or flavours.

Is NUNMN Approved For Use In Canada As A Natural Health Product?

Yes, NUNMN is authorized for sale by Health Canada as a Natural Health Product (NHP) under NPN #80114685.

What Should I Be Expecting?

Your experience with NUNMN may vary depending on your individual cellular needs. That’s because our bodies use NAD+ every day for basic functions like eating, breathing, sleeping, and drinking. No matter which benefits you experience, however, the science shows that NUNMN is hard at work on a cellular level. For best results, we recommend taking one capsule of NUNMN with a full glass of water once daily.

Can I Take NUNMN With Coffee?

There is no evidence to suggest that NUNMN should not be taken with coffee.

Can I Take NUNMN With Multivitamins?

Yes, it is okay to take NUNMN while taking a standard multivitamin that provides the daily recommended amounts of vitamins, including those with vitamin B3. NUNMN contains NMN, which is not the same as the vitamin B3 sources found in multivitamin products. NMN is absorbed by cells and efficiently converted to NAD+ using a unique pathway different from vitamin B3 found in vitamin supplements. NMN has been studied in clinical trials and proven effective for increasing NAD+.*

Multivitamins are designed to provide the daily recommended values for essential vitamins and minerals and are appropriately balanced so they don’t contain high doses of any one vitamin or mineral. Before taking this product, always check the label and consult your healthcare professional with any questions.

Can I Take NUNMN With NSAIDs?

NUNMN has no known negative interactions with NSAIDs. If you have any questions or concerns, we recommend consulting your healthcare practitioner prior to beginning use.

Can My Child Use NUNMN?

NUNMN is not intended for use by children. We recommend pregnant or nursing women to consult a physician prior to use. NUNMN should be used as directed.

Can I Take NUNMN While Breastfeeding?

No, we do not yet have any human research evaluating the safety of NUNMN supplementation while breastfeeding and recommend consulting with your doctor prior to use.

Is NUNMN Authorized For Sale In Canada?

Yes, NUNMN is authorized for sale in Canada as a Natural Health Product (NHP) when used as directed.

Is NUNMN Natural?

The key ingredient in NUNMN, is a nature-identical, synthesized form of a unique vitamin B3 known as NMN. It is identical structurally and functionally to naturally occurring NMN found in trace amounts in broccoli and edamame.

Are There Negative Side Effects?

No adverse effects have been attributed to our product during published clinical trials. As with any form of supplementation, if you experience any prolonged discomfort or side effects, discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider.


How Does NUNMN Work?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme found in every living cell. But as we age, NAD levels decline. NMN is a natural precursor to NAD, meaning it helps our cells increase NAD and thereby supports cellular health.

Our key ingredient NMN, is shown to increase NAD levels in blood for the maintenance of good health.

What Is NAD?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme found in every living cell. It’s essential to every cell, but especially to those with mitochondria. That’s because the mitochondria are “the powerhouse of the cell.” This means that like any other battery or energy resource, the mitochondria depend on an external power source to support energy metabolism. NAD is one of those sources, as it supports many biological functions including cellular energy production.

Why Take NMN Instead When Nad Is Essential For Every Cell?

Both NMN and NAD are crucial for cellular functions, including energy consumption and cellular repair. NAD is like a helper that helps with many bodily processes. NMN is a substance or molecule that can be turned into NAD by your cells. Cells can take in NMN more easily because they have pathways that can absorb it and then it can be converted into NAD.

How Much NAD Do I Need To Remain Healthy?

NAD precursors” are what your cells use to make more NAD. Not getting enough of these precursors can lead to a vitamin deficiency disease called Pellagra. A balanced diet provides sufficient levels of precursors to avoid this disease.

In recent years, scientists have learned more about NAD and the factors that influence NAD levels. For example, we now know that increasing NAD can mean good things for cellular health. It can support cellular maintenance and other biological functions.


Do I Need A Subscription?

No. Our subscriptions can save you money and time, but you’re never obligated to enroll.

When Will I Be Billed?

It depends on your subscription preferences. Plans are either billed per month, every three months, or twice per year. Update your subscription preferences at any time by logging in to your account or contacting Customer Care.

When Will I Receive My Shipment?

Estimated shipping time is 5–7 business days for orders within Canada.

Can I Change The Frequency Of My Orders?

Yes. To update your subscription frequency, log in to your account or contact customer care to cancel your current delivery and enroll in a new one.

How Do I Pause Or Cancel My Subscription?

You can pause at any time or cancel your subscription after your 2nd subscribed month at any time, by logging into your account or by contacting Customer Care.

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